Closing the Book
12/28/07, 11:12 AM
Well over a year since the premiere of the series finale, I've finally managed to slog through around 10 hours of behind the scenes material and whittle it down into some shockingly entertaining supplemental material for The Complete Second Season DVD Set.
You can see a detailed rundown of the myriad bonus features at that link, but the giant star around which all the other featurettes orbit goes by the name of "Behind the Shades." It's a 38-minute documentary which presents an eerily intimate portrait of the three production days of 205 - Shades of Gray.
There's that, the usual promos, nearly an hour of character featurettes, and some extra surprises along the way, but that's just the special features! The meat-and-potatoes of the set, of course, are season 2's five episodes. Hyle and I are actually proud of them this time around, and the general response from the public was positive. Hell, the finale even won a 2007 Emmy for Best Student Production (Non-News).
Each episode features the requisite commentary track and outtakes, and should hopefully tide you over until we figure out a way to get our newest project picked up for a wider audience... and if we get our way, the E&SM fans (you know who you are!) should be seeing some familiar faces.
Click on through to order the complete Season 2 set... and if you never saw the show's humble origins, Season 1 is still aching to be bought and watched. Buy both sets and save five bucks that can be put to better use buying various brain chemicals to help you enjoy your purchase! |
I don't understand it either.
10/30/07, 10:37 PM
So... Chad and I won an Emmy over the weekend.

There we are with the other winners from NTTV, Jim Slaughter and Joel Villanueva. I believe my thoughts at this moment included desperately trying to rationalize how this could have happened. Could the Academy not have watched the episode? We were wearing whore makeup! We made anal sex jokes! Dozens of them! We said that JFK was murdered in a conspiracy between Richard Nixon, an alien squirrel, and a toddler who looks to be in his mid-twenties in present day! This is not Emmy-worthy material! Not to mention that I'm a ridiculous failure at life and love, and that this should have been no different...
But I digress. Thank you to everyone who supported, believed, and rooted for us. It meant a lot and it will continue to do so as we move forward with both Elvis and Slick Monty and our future projects.
Oh, and the guy who won the Emmy immediately after us looked a great deal like Paul McCartney, which we considered a wicked omen from the gods of rock.

At the end of the end, it's the start of a journey to a much better place. |
Just wait 'till they see the spinoff, ''Go Nuts.''
09/14/07, 07:40 PM
Two years ago, we submitted episode 104 - Elvis' Song to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, hoping to be nominated for a Lone Star Emmy. The Academy declined.
One year ago, thinking the Academy would naturally have a predilection toward the greatest actor of all time, we submitted episode 203 - In Goldblum. Yet for some reason, even though that episode features an anal sex sight gag, a drunk chick, and a main character's eyeballs falling out, the Academy declined.
And this year, in a last ditch effort to scrape together some semblance of a career from the financial pit that was the final episode of Elvis and Slick Monty, we submitted the series finale.
Elvis and Slick Monty 205 - Shades of Gray has just been nominated for a Lone Star Emmy.
To our phenomenal cast and crew for that episode... Jimmy, Greg, Banks, Jeff, Matt, Mariola, Mark, Jeremy, Señor Gibson, Brent, Eric, and (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Branden: you did good. You did really fucking good.
As for the horse race, we're up against the honorable Sir Joel Villanueva of NTTV Sports, and "Dead Letter" from some place called Edinburg, TX. Stiff competition, folks, it's gonna be a good contest. Hyle and I will both be in Dallas on October 27 to fully immerse ourselves in what will one day be described as "an expected disappointment." So here's to Shades of Gray's very first Emmy nomination.
Also, a very public congratulations to Cassie and Greg "S'larik 'Slick Monty' del Monte" Janda for making a tiny person. Red jellybeans all around. |
Someone call Huey Lewis, because I've found the News!
07/18/07, 06:05 PM
It's been a long time, but we're finally back to update our cheesy b-show's official website! First of all, I noticed that we had neglected to update with the episode guide to the previous episode, the season two finale, so go ahead and click on the Episode Guide link if you're really curious.
A lot will be happening in Elvis and Slick land in the next few months. First of all: We're going to be debuting in Albany, New York! That's right. Soon, very soon, Elvis and Slick Monty will no longer be confined to the Dallas-Fort Worth region (and Google Video, YouTube, and DVD). Like a game of Risk, we're strategically taking over the world. Of course, we'll update with all the precise details when we have them.
Next order of business, and that's the DVDs. No, we haven't been neglecting them. These are going to blow our first set out of the water, no doubt about it. They're approaching the final stage right now, so if you want to get in that fan art to appear on the discs (as announced by Chad on the Forum way back when), you better hurry.
We won't be waiting five months to update again. Keep your browser logged to this site. Hell, never leave your home. Just keep your eyes glued to your monitor, refreshing every five seconds, hoping desperately for that next batch of Elvis and Slick Monty info. It's an acceptable way to go through life. Maybe. |
click here to see jessica and ashley simpson full penetration (18+ ONLY!!!)
02/09/07, 09:15 PM
Just trying to make the plethora of spambots on our forums feel more at home on the main page for a change.
What's up, Elvies! (Slickers? Slickies? Hell, who am I kidding... there's no fanbase to even give a nickname to.) It's been a few months since the last update, but we haven't abandoned this website yet. In fact, after taking a nice little vacation from the show following Shades of Gray wrapping, we're back on the attack working hard on the Season Two DVD set (as well as what you may consider the "third" season of the show, but we refuse to divulge details on that anytime soon).
So what's the point of me logging back on to this site? Well, we finally have the new character bios; this time it's an all-Farthling edition. Check out Tom, Pépe, and Henry Kissinger.
Since two of those characters were played by me, I'd like to go ahead and put in a plug for my new male stripping agency. This Valentine's Day, for half the price of the top male exotic dancers in your area, I'll come to your door wearing nothing but my Pépe tail or my Kissinger alien head. For double that, I'll recite to you the many lines about having "the opposite sex."
Yeah... I'm single. Why do you ask? |
Rejected Title: I'm Going to Squirrel
11/07/06, 12:13 PM
On this election day, I felt like it would be nice to reward the diehard Elvis and Slick Monty Official Website fans with a link to the season 2 and NTTV finale, 205 - Shades of Gray. It's been available on Google Video for a week, but now you can access it without the backbreaking labor of typing key terms into a search engine.
Once you watch that, head over to the fan forum and sound off about the thing. We'll also accept feedback through e-mail, Google video comments, or PayPal.
And remember, citizens: the only thing standing between you and your government is a politician. And the electoral college. And law enforcement. So vote, and exercise one of the last vestigial limbs of democracy before it atrophies and falls off! Foreigners need not be discouraged. You too can feel like part of the process by sending in an absentee ballot. It's not like we count the damned things anyway.
Slick or Treat
10/31/06, 11:36 AM
Despite the season finale already being up on GooTube, it's still set to officially premiere tonight on NTTV. We hope you enjoy it as much as the two people on our forums who discovered it early seemed to do.
We'll be back later with the episode guide installment and new character bios. Expect to see some new (classy) merchandise stemming from this episode as well. |
Cold Beans
10/26/06, 02:46 PM
It's going to be a brisk evening in Denton tonight, so what better way to spend it than on the roof of Cool Bean's? This is just a reminder that the uncut season two marathon, including the never-before-seen season finale, will be tonight at 10:30 PM CST. Bring a friend. Bring a family member. Bring a jacket, because your ass will be numb before it's over.
As for the rest of you, only five more days until Shades of Gray premieres on NTTV. |
Eight drink minimum.
10/17/06, 09:59 PM
Hello, loyal squirming masses! Lots going on in the world of Elvis and Slick Monty, especially considering the NTTV run has been wrapped for the better part of three months. As Hyle mentioned in the last post, the tenative release date for episode 205 - Shades of Gray is October 30. Well, he's a fucking liar. We're going to push it back one night to October 31, to coincide with not just the pagan candy rituals of Halloween, but the series finale of Homeless in Denton, titled Bum Rap, which airs later that night. And if you're at all interested in a FREE PREMIERE SCREENING, check out the following:

If you live in Denton, prepare to find your community toilet-papered with fliers like this come tomorrow night. As for the rest of you, congratulations on not living in Denton.
As is apparent by the obtrusive flier up top, this shindig will take place on the roof of Cool Bean's, one of the Fry Street bars just off the UNT campus in Denton, TX. Big thanks to Sir Jeffrey of Stebbins and the management of Cool Bean's for facilitating this. The screening will feature a Season One summary, episodes 201 - 205 of Elvis and Slick Monty in their entirety and without bleeps (cut together into a motion picture style format), and a massive end credits rife with outtakes. Probably. |
Gray's Anatomy
10/11/06, 08:19 PM
Well, here we go. The tenative date for the season finale, Shades of Gray, is October 30th. Halloween can move out of the fucking way this year, because there's no way it will be able to compete. There will be more announcements concerning the episode in the coming days, perhaps even a special preview screening if you happen to be in the Denton area the weekend before. We'll let you know.
Oh, and while the gracious Emmy committee may have overlooked the genius that is Jeff Goldblum-oriented humor, they did nominate Matt Muhl and Jimmy McCoy... for other projects. Doesn't matter. We congratulate them in an respectuflly non-bitter way. Upwards and onwards. |
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